
Refund Policy


If you want to cancel your order please contact us on 08081233535 or from your registered Email address . Any cancellations made during working hours, before your item has been dispatched, will be accepted.
If your item has already been dispatched we will be unable to make any amendments to the item.

Successful cancellations with be refunded within 5-7 working days.

If you receive your item, and decide you would like to change your order, you are welcome to make an exchange.


We promise to provide an exchange service on items up to a year after the order purchase date. Items sent for exchange must be unopened and in original condition.

Exchanges can be performed for the same product with a different prescription, or for a different product of the same value.

When an exchange is requested for a product of different value, the price difference will be calculated excluding the delivery charge of the original purchase.

If you would like to make an exchange, please call our customer service team on 08081233535.all returns must be sent back for exchange or refund should be recorded delivery and pre-authorisation code ,this will help processing the exchange or refund promptly .

All returns of the goods must be returned as recoded delivery at an expenses of the customer unless its agreed in Prior

Returns and Refunds

We are happy to accept returns within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. Items are required to be unopened and in good condition. Delivery charge will not be refunded.

No refunds or exchange can be made on the Make to order /Extended range astimgatism or toric lenses /Multifocal toric  lenses

If the branded box containing your contact lenses has been opened, your return will not be accepted and you will not be eligible for a refund.

Once accepted, refunds will take 5-7 days to show up in your account.

Goods damaged, or goods not delivered.

WE ( send all of our packages via Royal Mail. If your package arrives damaged, or does not arrive at all, we are happy to replace your items. If this occurs we will need a royalmail claim form signed by you before we ship your replacement.

Return Address: Logistics

PO Box 73022
N1 2BH

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